Want to start doing some work log posts so this will be entirely without context until I can do some back posts.
My Volt battery cells are pretty unbalanced with some as high as 3.98V and some as low as 3.91V.
I’m using the stock BECM/BICM setup for the battery. Someone has found the commands that the BECM sends the BICM to do balancing: https://www.diyelectriccar.com/threads/1st-gen-chevy-volt-bms-balance-commands-found.200023/
They haven’t found what you need to send to the BECM to get it to send commands to the BICM. I combed through some captures and have a guess that it is a 0X20E message. It gets sent with a cycle of numbers and bunch of zeros, I think if you change the zeros it might start balancing those cells.
To test this I need to be able to watch the CAN on the backside of the BECM. So I tried unplugging the BICM 4 and hooking up my CANDue to that plug to see if I could see the traffic, but I wasn’t able to get it to work with jumpers stuck in the connector.
Will report back when I have another chance to try this.